Chef Michael Laiskonis teaching at Institute of ¹ú²ú¸£Àû Education in New York

What It's Really Like to Work in a Professional Kitchen

As a restaurant chef, one of my favorite moments was watching the arrival of the kitchen staff in the morning before their shift. These cooks look like they rolled right out of bed and onto the train

pierre gagnaire restaurant menu

Memories of Menus Past

In turn, my formative years as a cook are defined as much by the meals I experienced as a guest as by the professional kitchens in which I toiled. In the Internet age, international culinary

chef michael laiskonis demonstrating the fanning and cracking process in chocolate making

Chocolate: The Daily Grind


venezuela cuyaga cocoa beans after roasting

Ruling the Roast: Chocolate Craftsmanship

There is no specific formula to determine optimum roasting time and temperature across the board: beans of different size, variety and origin require a unique roasting profile to achieve the desired

chocolate bar made by michael laiskonis in the ICE chocolate lab

About a Bean

Of course, individual chocolate makers are presented with numerous opportunities to imprint their personal stamp on the finished product during the chocolate making process, but to create an

white peach caramels

Refining and Redefining Classic Desserts

Even when our interpretations of codified dishes evolve into something truly unique, the greatest reward of recreating the classics is often rediscovering what made them great in the first place

busy restaurant kitchen

Keeping Your Cool in the Kitchen

The parallels to the military continue from there. Chefs’ uniforms are an indicator of rank. Strategies for success are mapped out in advance; though, in the heat of service, tactics may become more

professional chef sharpening their knives in new york city kitchen

Lasting Reminders of a Life in the Kitchen

Young cooks are instantly identified by the rows of scars running up their forearms: the reminders of brief skin-singing encounters with blazing hot oven racks and pan handles. A cook’s relative

chocolate bar made by michael laiskonis in the ICE chocolate lab

Bean-to-Bar: Chocolate in 10 Steps

As we gear up for increased production and the first of our bean-to-bar classes this fall, I’ve compiled some surprising facts about the different stages of the chocolate-making process. These

dessert parfait

The Chef as Consultant: Freelancing After a Career in Restaurants

Technically, my initial experience with consulting began while I was still the pastry chef at Le Bernardin, as I designed dessert menus and trained the pastry staff at various satellite restaurant

stack of cookbooks

A Summer Reading List for Chefs

Letters to a Young Chef —Daniel Boulud Perhaps more than anyone, Daniel Boulud’s career is synonymous with the notion of mentorship. His legacy (the chefs who have worked their way through his

Peas and Carrots dessert by pastry chef Michael Laiskonis

Notes From the Pastry Lab

Selecting ICE’s Single-Origin With regard to the Chocolate Lab, the bean-to-bar equipment has arrived and is ready to be turned on, including a roaster, winnower, refiner and tempering machine

Subscribe to Michael Laiskonis — Creative Director